Market Intelligence For agencies, info marketers, ecomm empire builders, coaches, consultants, media buyers, Business Owners and advertisers of all kinds... 

The Dark art of advertising Research Report 

The twice-a-month research report for serious advertisers that you don’t want your competition to know about... 

The twice-a-month research report for serious advertisers that you don’t want your competition to know about... 

From the Desk of Christian Martin

Seven Figure Business Owner, Two-Comma Club Winner, Denver, Colorado
How much money have you wasted launching bad ads? 

How much have you wasted by not launching GREAT ads instead? 

“The difference between a good ad and a great one is the difference between breaking even and striking it rich...”

“The difference between a good ad and a great one is the difference between breaking even and striking it rich...”

  • This FB ad is using a unique "us vs. them" hook to sell 1000s of products 
  • This simple 2-line ad goes straight to a one-page order form with NO VSL or webinar, and brings in a Million Dollars a month! 
  • This new YouTube Ad is spending $10k+/Day doing 15+ high ticket sales daily 

How would you like to give less to the big ad networks and keep more for yourself... Like these winning ads did? 

If You're Anything Like Most Advertisers... Some Of This Will Sound Familar

  • You’re constantly trying to gain an edge in your advertising, but don’t know exactly how to beat your competition
  • You scroll through your news feed and see your competitors ads and think “damn that’s good. Why didn’t I think of that?”
  • You know you should be trying harder on your ads, but it’s just too tedious and you don’t know exactly what’s going to increase your performance
  • You’re tired of staring at a blank white screen wishing you knew how to create a killer ad that will transform your business 
  • You launch a new ad only to have it go well for a couple of days and then burn out... and wonder what to tell your clients
  • You feel like you’re donating half your business to Facebook and Google

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half.”

- John Wanamaker
(1838-1922), department-store magnate

The biggest waste of money in your business is... your advertising campaigns aren’t as good as they could be.

The biggest waste of money in your business is... your advertising campaigns aren’t as good as they could be.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? 

But what if it didn’t have to be that way? 

A couple of years ago, my girlfriend started to get mad at me, because if my ads were doing bad, i’d be in a terrible mood, and if they were crushing it I was elated. 

My whole life satisfaction depended on how my ads performed that day... 

My business success depended on my ads... 

And so did the success of my clients. 

Does this sound familiar? 

It’s Christian Martin here... seven figure advertiser and owner of DigitalNomad.Com 
And after another fight with my girlfriend about my mood swings, and another disastrous day on the "ad market" I finally realized, this is no way to live. 

I get it, I'm not a wall street broker, but sometimes spending money on ads feels just like a trade. 

And the volatility is just as real... at least it was for me at the time. 

I had to figure out what ther VERY best advertisers knew that I didn’t. 

I had to stablize my mood... and stabilize my ad performance. 

Because, you see... ads are a game of winner-take-all. 

"The person with the VERY BEST ad will get the cheapest leads, the lowest CAC, the most profitable business." 

"The person with the VERY BEST ad will get the cheapest leads, the lowest CAC, the most profitable business." 

While the second best ad might break even... 

And third place ad might actually LOSE money... 

And contrary to popular opinion, this is NOT about your ad settings or some tactical change. 

It's about your actual ad! 

That's what will make or break you. 

NOT CBO or ABO, not placements vs. topics. 

It's the ad copy, duh. 

And If you are going to make it in the ad game, you want to be at the top of your industry and niche. 

And there is only a VERY SMALL difference between the best ad, and the second best. 

Once you cross that line, your life is never the same again. 

That's the winner-take-all game we're playing with ads. 

Once YOU are the advertiser everyone looks up to and starts to copy.... 

Things will start to look up. 

I know, because I’ve been ripped off, stolen from and “the inspiration for” countless knock off artists, including some of the bigger names in the industry that you would be surprised to hear. 

I mean, people sometimes copy my ads word for word... 

Because they work. 

And because, they can see that I am profitably spending more than they are. 

But they just can’t seem to put their finger on why it actually works. 

But... I didn’t always have the ad game figured out. 

I used to feel like no matter what I tried, I just couldn't get my ads to hit at scale. 

Sure... sometimes i would get lucky and they would work for a few days. 

That's what an average ad does, and then it burns out. 

While a great ad will transform your business. 

I knew something had to change for me to get to that point. 

And I had to figure out how to do it without donating my life savings to Facebook and YouTube... 

The ad world moves fast, by the time you find out your ads no longer work, it’s too late. 

One day after throwing a tantrum that my ads had taken a turn for the worst yet again, something happened. 

The COO of my company reached out, and said “these 5 ads went from nothing to spending at least $10k+ in the last week.” 

Some of them had even gone from brand new to millions of views in that time. 

I took a look through the ads, and ran a quick analysis. 

I looked at what angle they were using... 

What stage of awareness... 

How they were speaking to their market... 

And then I tried it on my self. 

And you wouldn't believe the result. 

Our Competitive Intel Was Producing Results Like This... 

That's $4k out and $15k back in my business... in the same day!

The Hidden World of Competitive Ad Intel... 

I didn’t realize what had happened with our ad intel until I sat down with my family at Thanksgiving dinner after traveling home to Pennsylvania for the holidays... 

See, my Dad and my brother work in finance, so they’re always going on and on about investing in stocks... 

Something I know NOTHING about. 

So I asked “how do you know which stocks to invest in? 

How do you know what the right move is right now?” 

And their answer changed my outlook forever... 

We use “research reports” written by professional analysts who spend all day every day figuring this stuff out so we don’t have to. 

And I looked further. 

Turns out, big companies, hedge funds and investors spend millions on research so the experts can tell them exactly what to do today for the best chance of success. 

And the same thing applies to Facebook and YouTube ads... 

Turns out, big companies, hedge funds and investors spend millions on research so the experts can tell them exactly what to do today for the best chance of success. 

And the same thing applies to Facebook and YouTube ads... 

DO you ever start to see an ad pop up over and over again and wonder, how are they spending so much on this ad? 

Numbers like this in a week are possible when you get ONE GOOD AD working for you 

Ads are a little like news... they change with the times, and often the person who is most up to date and speaking about what’s going on RIGHT NOW wins... 

 One good ad is all it takes, and yet most of us are completely out of date with the fast pace of the market. 

We might know what worked well last month, but what’s crushing it THIS WEEK? 

The problem is most advertisers have no reliable way to know EXACTLY which ads, angles and stories are working today. 

Not last month... not last year. 

I’m talking about always being up to date so you know how to get the edge in business and destroy your competitors, find winning ads that work and bring in more leads and sales than you know what to do with. 

So this became the standard in my company. 

We started running weekly research and analysis on EXACTLY what was working that week. 

Our Slack Research Channel became a gold mine of profitable ad ideas. 

I never had to stare at a blank screen again, because I had inspiration right in front of me. 

And if you’ve read this far, you probably know that it’s quite easy to take something that’s crushing it in one industry... 

And adapt it to your own business. 

So you never have to think about your own ad ideas again.... 

You can take something that’s crushing it in one industry.... And adapt it to your business and get similar results. Without ever having to think up your own copy 

I learned a while ago that human psychology is more or less the same across industries... and even time.

 I started “taking inspiration” from things that already worked. 

Tony Robbins calls this modeling.... 

Russel Brunson calls it “Funnel hacking”

BUT, it works even better if you model what works right now... for Facebook and YouTube. 

If you know EXACTLY what is crushing it, you can crush it too. 

Do the thing, and you shall have the power. 

Winning ads that were working for other companies became frameworks to model our newest winning campaign after. 

Business model tweaks became obvious, instead of being stuck behind the curve.  

Me and my two-comma award thanks to the ad intel my team had been pulling from the market 

Would you get a better return on adspend if you had a dedicated market researcher inside your company showing you exactly what’s working every week? 

Would you get a better return on adspend if you had a dedicated market researcher inside your company showing you exactly what’s working every week? 

Breaking down line by line, the psychology, business model and structure of ads that are CRUSHING IT... 

And handing over "fill in the blank" templates for you to create winning ads yourself? 

Glass Door pegs the price of a marketing analyst at $54,155/year..... 

If your company is big enough, that might make sense. 

But for most of us, we don’t have it in the budget to just go out and hire a person full time to make sure we’re getting the best possible return on our ads... 

Yet... most of our biggest expenses is ad spend. 

I know if you look at my P&L, it seems like Mark Z. is a partner in my business most of the time. 

And I’m always trying to reduce his cut. 

Same goes for the Googs. 

How would you like to give less to the big ad networks and keep more for yourself... Like these winning ads did? 

  • This FB ad is using a unique "us vs. them" hook to sell 1000s of products 
  • This simple 2-line ad goes straight to a one-page order form with NO VSL or webinar, and brings in a million/month 
  • This new YouTube Ad is spending $10k+/Day doing 15+ high ticket sales daily 

“The difference between a good ad and a great one is the difference between breaking even and striking it rich...”

Introducing... The Dark Art of Advertising Bi-Monthly Research Report 

Introducing... The Dark Art of Advertising Bi-Monthly Research Report 

All the competitive intel + fill-in-the-blank templates you need to skyrocket your ROAS and crush your competition - straight to your inbox 2x/month 

Advertising might seem like a “dark art” to those who can’t crack the code, and once you figure out your own campaigns, you might feel like a magician... 

But, it’s really pretty straightforward. 

"Find something good to say, say it well, say it often.”

This phrase has made me millions of dollars in sales. 

And when you sign up for The Dark Art of Advertising Bi-Monthly Research Report, you’re going to unlock the key to doing the same for yourself. 

What’s Included in the Dark Art of Advertising Bi-Monthly Research Report (DAA)

The Dark Art of Advertising is the research report smart advertisers use to beat the competition, reduce ads costs and make more sales... without having to think of new ad angles every day on their own

DAA Includes Everything You Need To Launch New Winning Ads Twice A Month, So You Are In The Habit of Consistently Launching Winning Ads In Your Business

  • 5 Facebook and Google/YouTube Ads you NEED to know about this week 
  • ​Psychological and business model analysis (Video) of the ad and funnel, and why it works + how to use the same concepts in your business 
  • ​Fill in the blank "plug and play" ad copy templates you can use to launch your own ads whatever your industry or niche
  • ​Fill in the blank video scripts you can use for your own video ads 
  • ​Fill in the blank clickfunnels funnel templates you can use for your business 
We’re going to break it down so it goes from “how did they do that with their ads this week?” to... “I’m crushing it with MY ads this week.”

$8 Booked Calls For A Marketing Agency

4 Leads From Ads Sent Over & One Signed Real Estate Deal

5 Leads For A Real Estate Investor In The First 5 Hours

Long Form Solar Leads Coming In @ $9 A Pop

7x ROAS Same Day On A $997 Info Offer

+4x ROAS On A Dropshipped Product DAY ONE

Unlocking The Key to Consistent Profitable Ads Week After Week Is The #1 Thing You Can Do To Get Out of Feast Or Famine, Unlock Growth and Scale Your And/Or Your Client's Business

Go from having your biggest problem be "my ads don't work" to "I have too many leads!" 

What will it cost you NOT to stay in the loop? 

What does one bad ad cost a business? 

Underperforming ads can cost you 20-50% of margins

One bad test is easily a couple hundred dollars in wasted adspend.. 

But one bad campaign over time can mean something much much worse... 

And for the agencies out there - 

One lost client can cost you $20k - $50k/year 

What would it be worth to you to cut the #1 source of cash-waste in online advertising businesses? 

Because, no matter which way we look at it, for most of us at scale, wasted adspend due to underperforming ads is the #1 place to look to recoup cash profits. 

Once you start to focus on the quality of your ad over everything else, your business will transform in to something you can't believe. 

What Do You Have To Gain?

$0-$120k/month in under a year with a new coaching offer. 

- Tom 
Just hit my first $30k profit in a week. It's all about the offer! 

- Cody 

What will a 10% improvement in ads, funnel and business model do for you and/or your clients?

BEFORE Dark Art of Ads Research Vs.  AFTER Dark Art of Ads Research: 

  • Get new headline ideas, ad hook ideas, funnel optimizations, show up rate improvements, call booking improvements etc... 
  • ​By making small incremental improvements based on our research, at EACH STAGE of the funnel, you can get exponential improvements in the overall funnel 
  • Once you have the big things figured out, small, tiny tweaks over time will drive profit margins in your funnel 

The Dark Art of Advertising Will Unlock Consistent Ad Success Week After Week

Discover what ad copy is working right now, in real time 
Uncover the most profitable funnels for this time of year and in the current economic client 
Internalize the advanced psychological mechanisms used by the world's best advertisers through in-depth video analysis and training 
All of this broken down in to easy-to-follow video training, diagrams and detailed analysis with fill-in-the-blank templates to make implementation easy. 

What Industries/Niches Does This Work For? 

Who Does This Work For?

  • Online Courses 
  • ​Marketing Agencies 
  • Info Products
  • ​Coaching and Consulting 
  • ​Local lead gen and brick and mortar businesses 
  • ​E-comm and amazon sellers 
  • ​Dropshippers 
  • ​Affiliate Marketers 
  • ​Seminars and Live Events 
  • ​And any other business that uses advertising to drive clicks, leads and sales

Million Dollar Ads and Funnels Require Constant and Never Ending Improvement

The hard part about continuously making your funnel better is knowing what to tweak, making the time to do it, and most of all, coming up with ideas that actually work. 

This research report takes the hard part away from you. Get ready to get spoon-fed ad and funnel ideas and optimizations twice a month right on schedule. 

What is $97 a month worth to you? What if you could... 

  •  Always beat your competitors ads... 
  •  Never be at a loss for what ad copy to use for the season and the market 
  • ​Speak to your market they way they want to be spoken to (i.e. more sales) 
  • ​Know what gets the best results in your niche or industry at all times 

What' it worth to cut your lead costs in half?

  •  Stop donating your profit margins to Zuckerberg and Google
  •  Cut your acquisition costs and keep more for yourself 
  • Get winning ads that actually allow you to scale because they're THAT good 

What if you had winning ads that allowed you to scale infinitely? 

If you always used the best ad angle for the times, and your ads never fatigued? 

I know a small bump in ad performance for me can result in tens of thousands in extra profit every month. 

Is that worth $97? 

The Dark Art of Advertising is the research report smart advertisers use to beat the competition, reduce ads costs and make more sales... without having to think of new ad angles every day on their own
All for less than the price of testing one bad ad... 

If your competitor has access to this information, but you don’t, who do you think is going to win? 

If there's one thing I've learned in my years of business, launching and scaling products, and growing a team to support a multi-seven figure company, it's that just like sports, business is a competitive endeavor. 

And just like a competitive athlete, I will do anything to get a slight edge on the competition. When the opportunity is presented to me to get a major foothold in a market, and grab market share, I take it. 

That's what I want to give to you today with DAA, the opportunity to get the edge you've been looking for so you can get to the top, and stay on top.

Don’t just take our word for it... Were just strangers on the internet. We Believe in Earning Your Trust By Keeping Our Promises.

For agencies, info marketers, ecomm empire builders, coaches, consultants, media buyers and advertisers of all kinds... 

The Dark Art of Advertising Bi-Monthly Research Report

(DAA) is the research report smart advertisers use to beat the competition, reduce ads costs and make more sales... without having to think of new ad angles every day on their own

Get our 20-page bi-monthly report with industry updates, analysis, graphs, data breakdowns, winning ads, templates, transcripts, funnels, optimization ideas, test results and more... straight to your inbox without having to hire a full time researcher. 

Bonus #1: Fill-In-The-Blank Ad Templates

We'll Give You The Exact Template You Need To Quickly Adapt These Ads To Your Business and Your Clients

When you have the exact hook mechanism, the exact structure and a fill-in-the-blank format, it's easy to write new, winning ads. 

Every issue we'll give you multiple ad templates to launch new ads in your business, boost your ROAS, make your happy clients and get results in today's market. 

We'll also throw in some losing ads, and show you why they didn't work so you don't make the same mistakes yourself. 

Bonus #2: Fill-In-The-Blank Funnels

Find out how the best advertisers make the economics of paid ads work by using the very best funnel for their situation

This page generates up to $8k/month in profit (depending on the month) without any additional changes in traffic or business model

Did you know that sometimes you don't even need to change your ads, you just need a business model or funnel adjustment? 

And don't let me scare you, this doesn't mean spending weeks or months changing how your business runs. Sometimes we just tack an offer on, change an OTO, an order bump etc... 

I have one offer in my business that took me 4 hours to create in TOTAL, and consistently generates over $5k/month in profit without changing anything else about my business. This is the kind of stuff you will learn in our funnel breakdowns. 

Bonus #3: How to create your own “Masterclass” Style ads (included template) for your business 

(these ads are making millions ) 

When an ad format comes along and starts to crush it, using the same formula over and over again, like these Masterclass ads have, it's time to stop and pay attention. 

Using a distinct visual style, cinematic music and quick cuts, Masterclass ads have all but taken over the internet. I'll give you a full step by step script, style guide, editing instructions, sound design etc... along with a video walkthrough and examples so you can plug and play in your own business. 

Bonus #4: How to create a million dollar video ad... without ever appearing on camera or having to memorize a script 

The exact formula for a $1million+ ad that didn't require speaking in front of a camera

This ad has done over a million in sales! It took less than ten minutes for me to write it. 

Hate speaking to the camera? 

Don't like memorizing lines? 

Don't want to spend hours writing ads? 

I wrote this ad in ten minutes and it's brought in seven figures without me even speaking to the camera, memorizing a script, or even having to put on pants. 

Learn exactly how I did it line by line in this seven figure ad breakdown. 
Your biggest cost in business, whether you are advertising for yourself or your clients, is not knowing how to create million dollar ads. When you consistently see over time what's working and what's not, and get the accompanying analysis, training and templates, pretty soon you won't be able to NOT create million dollars ads. This is the training that will change it all for you. 

Let Us Take All The Risk!

Our Dark Arts 100% Success Guarantee!
We're so confident that you're going to love our bi-weekly research report, and that you'll be able to take the intel and implement it directly in to your business to see measurable business results, that we back up our work with our success guarantee. 

If for any reason you aren't happy with your research report, or you don't see how to implement it in to your business, just send us an email at and we'll create a customized report just for you, specific to your industry and your business goals so you have the exact ad intel you need to crush it this month!  

We Are Rated 4.9 out of 5 Stars on Google and Facebook With Over 100 reviews On Each Platform

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Q: How do you know which ads are working? We use a combination of analytics software, competitive intel software and research analysts we employ to scour podcasts, websites, earnings reports etc... to find campaigns that are crushing it. Ever hear someone mention on a podcast they did a million last month? We'll find their campaigns and break them down for you without you having to go to all the trouble of listening to every podcast in the world to see who's crushing. 
  • Do you include transcripts? Yes, we include transcripts of all video ads as well as fill in the blank templates for text ads. 
  • ​Do we get templates? Yes, you will get funnel diagrams and templates for winning funnels so you can use the same concepts in your own business. Just don't plagiarize. Model, don't copy. 
  • ​What industries does this work for? Human psychology works on humans so as long as you have humans as customers, this will work for your industry. These reports are most useful for agencies, digital marketers, info product creators, course creators, authors, speakers, coaches, consultants, affiliate marketers, e-comm sellers etc... 
  • How do I use this to benefit my business? We'll show you what's working best every month so you can use the same angles, language and concepts in your own ads without having to think up new ad angles yourself. 
  • Couldn't I just do this myself? Of course, you can also get across the country in a VW bus or a Private Jet. One gets you there faster with less work on your part so you can focus on growing your business. Remember, money loves speed. We employ analysts to scour the market for what's working best. I should mention, that when we do ad breakdowns, you're getting analysis from million dollar advertisers, so unless you're already there, you may not have the expertise to do the analysis yourself. 
  • ​Are there long term contracts? Never, just email us before your upcoming payment, and we'll cancel your plan if you'd rather not continue
  • When are new issues released? The 14th and 30th of the month, although sometimes we release bonuses on a weekly basis. 
  • How will I receive my report? You'll get an update in your inbox every two weeks with a link to the report and research
  • What will I get immediately upon signing up? You'll receive your login to the member's area on the thank you page so you can get immediate access to the bonuses 
  • ​I have more questions. No problem, chat with us in the bottom right corner of this screen or email us at and we'll help you out. 
The Martin Group LLC Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved 1-833-666-2322

The Martin Group LLC Copyright 2019 
 All Rights Reserved 1-833-666-2322